graphic design | video

Sustainable Seafood Now

We use to have an ocean full of fish. Thousands of species surfing the waves and keeping the sea alive. But now we are working to a point where there aren’t a ton of fish left in the ocean. It is estimated that three-quarters of the world’s fisheries are fully exploited or overfished. Each year inefficient and illegal fishing kill millions of fish and marine animals as unwanted bycatch. And Sustainable Seafood Now wants to make a change. 

Sustainable Seafood Now is a social media campaign run as a part of Our Seas Our Future. The campaign wants New Zealand to know about the state we are currently in. Spread awareness and take action.  

Design & video

This concept has a direct tone of voice. It’s the fastest way of communication; it’s honest and trustworthy. The built trust is what we need if we want to make a change together. SSN intends to reach a broader public, the ideal picture would be that everyone makes a conscience choice while buying fish. We can offer this by communicating in a clear, fast and trustworthy way and on the right moments. 

The form of the SSN symbol is based on the values of Sustainable Seafood Now. It represents a fishing net build from waves. It tells the story of the fishing industry and how it affects the ocean. There is also positivity created in the design as we look to the future. All the lines together make the shape of the fish. All those lines represent the target group and SSN working together to care better for the sea. 

For the video, we wanted a clear message. We can’t keep consuming all foods the same way because some things have more impact on the planet than others. We replaced real fish with the iconic New Zealand chocolate fish candy so we could give a strong signal. Don’t eat more than you can chew.

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Concept & UI/UX design