video production


There are different ways you could live a conscious life. Have less impact on the environment. Thinking of; vegan diet, recycling, travelling less by plane and car etc. But Christmas time can be challenging if you want to give sustainable presents. ZustainaBox offers sustainable Christmas boxes for companies to present to their employees. Starter pack to live a better life.

Video production

This project started with a creative brief. To be aligned with the wishes of the client. After that, I made a storyboard and concentrated on other aspects of the pre-production. I filmed the video on location. To give the viewers an insight into the products the client sells. But also for a more personal touch. There are two videos made. One regular (watch below), has a green and sustainable feel. And a Christmas special. Have a look at the website of ZustainaBox for the Christmas video.

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Concept & UI/UX design